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= John Argo: DarkSF Series =

Science Horror or SH by John Argo in the DarkSF seriesDoom Spore. John Argo's fascination with the original 1956 Invasion of the Body Snatchers (and other good 1950s black and white SF films) led him to write this fresh and original take on a theme that is more plausible than you realize. Years after writing this intriguing adventure, the author learned that there really are fungal zombies that take over the brain and body, at least in the insect world—can humans be next? More info soon. Site under development.

Amazon Kindle e-book Edition Doom Spore (DarkSF)

Amazon Quality Paperback Edition (6x9") Doom Spore: A Summer Movie in a Novel

Barnes & Noble.
Not currently listed here.

DarkSF Series of stand-alones by John Argo - each a unique, fresh story that happens to also pay homage to a famous SF cult film or novel