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= John Argo: DarkSF Series =

Science Horror or SH by John Argo in the DarkSF seriesRobinson Crusoe 1,000,000 A.D. Daniel Defoe's 1719 masterpiece, which has never gone of print, is not a fuzzy bunny Disney cartoon, but a DarkSF classic full of stark terror with only glimmers of redemption. John Argo's modern DarkSF take is (as Library Journal said in a 2003 review) "a fresh and original take on this timeless classic." As in all John Argo tales, there is always hope for redemption and joy at the end of a somber & terrifying ride. Is there a woman-Friday to relieve what would otherwise be a nightmare existence for Alex Kirk? Read this novel and learn the answer. Hint: "strawberry ice cream." More info soon. Site under development.

Not A Walt Disney Fuzzy Bunnies Tale for Kids. I'll provide a longer treatment of this serious novel soon, as well as my own marooned tale (Robinson Crusoe 1,000,000 A.D.. The introduction by Prof. L. J. Swingle (Literature; University of Wisconsin) to the Barnes & Noble Classics Edition of Robinson Crusoe (original Daniel Defoe novel, 1719) begins thus: "People who have never actually read (the original) often think of it as a children's book..." and he goes onto demolish the notion, held by too many readers, that Robinson Crusoe is somehow a Walt Disney fuzzy bunnies tale for kids (and adults who never grew up). It is, actually, a tale of cannibalism, betrayal, slavery, and other sinfulness, written by a fanatical Calvinist pamphleteer during the age of England's bloody civil wars under Oliver Cromwell, during the dark, bloody, violent birth throes of Protestantism in the early modern English empire.

Original novel written by John Argo in 2003. Copyright © 2004 by John Argo. All Rights Reserved. Clocktower Books first edition 2004.

DarkSF Series of stand-alones by John Argo - each a unique, fresh story that happens to also pay homage to a famous SF cult film or novel

Amazon Kindle e-book Edition Robinson Crusoe 1,000,000 A.D. (DarkSF)

Amazon Quality Paperback Edition (6x9") Robinson Crusoe 1,000,000 A.D. (DarkSF)

Barnes & Noble. You can order a print copy at B&N online or order in a B&N bookstore.