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Author John T. Cullen San Diego - image either atop Empire State Building NYC or Eiffel Tower ParisWelcome to the Café Okay Bookstore. I've been active online as an author and publisher since 1996. Here is a large selection of my writing—fiction and nonfiction—a growing list since I am a passionate novelist, story teller, poet, essayist, and journalist (history, science, and other fact writing).

FREE READS (ARCs, Galleys): Starting 1 Nov 2018, I have begun making free reading copies available to all interested readers. The main site is Galley City, which can be accessed either directly or by clicking through on the links provided for each book in this bookshop. Recommend that you click on a book on this website that interests you, read the description, and then begin reading the book. Every free read has a buy option (most print and ebooks both). That gives you more options, including thanking the author by paying for a copy. Two mottoes apply. (1) Read Free or Buy (pun on the 1775 Culpeper flag that has become a state national slogan; you're not asked to fight, but to read, which is much better most of the time); (2) Read-a-Latte, whose message is: for the price of a cup of coffee, you can buy a book here. While the coffee is gone in minutes, the book is with you forever. Read, enjoy (or close the book and move on to something else), tell your friends, post a positive comment online, link these pages to your website. Thank you for your help. In lieu of crowd sourcing, just buying a copy is a simple and enjoyable way to support this project.

Print Books. I have in recent years moved my print book publishing to Amazon's CreateSpace, where I have been very happy with the service (based on bad experiences elsewhere). The default for print is therefore usually or always going to be CreateSpace with this link icon: .

If you see the Print icon, please hold your cursor over it and read the alt/title text. If the linked item is a 6x9" trim size, you'll see the words 'Buy CreateSpace print book 6x9" trim size.' If the link takes you to a 5x8" special pocketbook trim size, you'll see the words 'Buy CreateSpace print book 5x8" trim size.'

E-Books. The default tends to be Amazon Kindle at this point, but the picture here is more complex. Many of these e-book titles are available through an interesting new venture (owned of all things by a New York corporation, MacMillan) called Pronoun that seems to combine some of the strengths of the old New York publishing cartel with the best of the new e-book industry. Pronoun books are available across both the Luddite NY print zone as well as (listed by Pronoun) iBooks, Google, Kobo, Overdrive, and more. I'll say more about these elsewhere. For now, know that if you see the icon , clicking will take you to Amazon's Kindle site. A few of my e-books are not at Kindle but at Pronoun (I'll build suitable icons soon) and at least one is available from Barnes & Noble Nook but not (yet) Kindle; see . So bottom line, the default is Kindle but not all e-books are Kindle. Icon at right shows Nook.

Metaphor: Books and Coffee. They go together well, as we all know. I'm not sure how far back my memories of this potent pairing go. I do recall the Army and Air Force Exchange System (AAFES) during my days as a young soldier in West Germany, when it was a wonderful escape from Cold War realities (back to "the World," as we G.I.s liked to say) to pick up a book or magazine at the AAFES bookshop or PX/BX and then sit over coffee at the snack bar nearby drowning in juke box music (Earth, Wind, and Fire), cigarette smoke, and throngs of mostly men in fatigues (field jackets damp from the endless drizzle outside). Yeah... And in San Diego, an ancient bookstore/coffee shop in Seaport Village called Upstart Crow & Company which has featured books and coffee together since before that certain mermaid juggernaut became a household word.


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