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Essays & Investigations

Major Thought Experiment!

Explain Dark Energy/Matter & More in One Swoop?

Coronado Mystery: Why did the Beautiful Stranger really die?

Exogravitation: Mystery of Dark Energy Solved? Click to start reading a new theory of cosmology. Dedicated website ( or use

Gallery of Past Motifs

geek-a-latte - sip your info steaming hot!

This site is entirely dedicated to factual nonfiction reportage/journalism

Sukiyaki (Global hit 1963, tragic singer)

More Coming Soon: Exciting nonfiction articles and essays by John T. Cullen, so please check back often.

author John T. Cullen - click for top

Latest Reportage from John T. Cullen

= Traditional Journalism & Essays =

Truth is far more interesting than Nonsense.

Some shorter articles are available to read free, including links to Wikipedia, YouTube, and other information sources. Some will be book reviews (with buy links to Amazon etc.) Longer articles will have their own page(s), with tempting info, but full info available at Amazon Affiliate Program (member since 1998). Generally speaking, prices are very good, about like buying a cup of coffee. I call it the Read-a-Latte program. If you guy a coffee, it's gone in minutes. For the same price ($0.99 to 2.99 in most cases) spend a nice time reading, and you get to own the article (can't say that about an empty cup of Java!).

Copyright Info: Text and images by John T. Cullen are intellectual property of the author. All other text, images, and similar material are either on this site (fair use; totally copyright protected by owner other than this author) or on entirely separate websites like YouTube, Wikipedia, and the like.

click for top - this site primarily news, essays, and other nonfiction by author John T. Cullen

Essays & Investigations

As Meaningful Today as 2000 Years Ago!

Ancient Sator Palindrome: Deciphered At Last

Ancient Roman Mystery Solved At Last

Ancient Roman Sator Square: Solved and still amazingly true.

Gallery of Past Motifs

geek-a-latte - sip your info steaming hot!


Luxembourg, European Union, United States

intellectual property warning